Poinsettia Delivery Columbus Ohio
Are the myths and tales of old true? Just how toxic are the vibrant Poinsettia Plants?
With the holiday season here, a smile warms your face as you think of friends near and far. You consider how to show your remembrance of them as you type into your laptop, so you do a Google search on Columbus Florists, and pull up your favorite of all Florist Shops. That’s where you first see it, The Classic Red Poinsettia Plants. It stands out amongst all others with a wanton vibrancy of pure red, drawing you in with its delicious color. But, before you go any further, you launch an investigation of the poinsettia and what it may or may not do to your young, old, and furry loved ones.
Here is what you discover. The poinsettia falls within the genus (Euphorbia) plant family. However, it is not nearly as toxic as some of it’s highly toxic family members. In reality, the poinsettia is simply an innocent sibling. Not yet satisfied, you investigate further and happen upon the story of the young girl back in 1919 who was incorrectly diagnosed with fatal poisoning from the ingestion of poinsettia leaves.
Intrigued now, you learn of the study done by Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University and found that out of 22,793 children exposed to poinsettia plants resulted in zero deaths. Furthermore, of those children, 92.4% exposed never needed treatment from a medical facility at all. As for our animal friends, studies show that if ingested, the poinsettia, being only mildly toxic, may cause at worst, irritation to the mouth and stomach with some cases of vomiting.
So despite its menacing reputation, you can take comfort when giving that Poinsettia Garden Basket, you’ve been eying, to your friend or loved one this Winter Season, and rest assure that all you are giving is a gift of brilliance and beauty.
Research derived from The Ohio State University, American Veterinary Medicine Association of America (AVMA), Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh, and Carnegie Mellon University