When sending flowers to an office, keep in mind the message you are sending. Know the occasion and something about the people, and the office to which the flowers are being sent. We have floral ideas broken up by occasion on our site, and can help you pick the best arrangement by phone as well.
When sending flowers for the whole office to enjoy, perhaps as congratulations for a move to a new office, consider where the flowers will be displayed. If on a tall surface at the receptionists’ desk going onto the office, a short arrangement is effective. Too tall and the flowers look overwhelming. A short, wide arrangement is impressive if displayed this way. If displayed at a lower level, a taller display is better suited so everyone in the office can see and enjoy them.
A good flower arrangement for an office doesn’t look too personal or have a romantic feel. Sticking with seasonal favorites creates a beautiful display that doesn’t generate any questions or office gossip. Bright, cheery colors with wildflower mixes and greenery appeal to a variety of tastes. Stay away from very fragrant flowers since some people in the office may be sensitive to strong scents.
If sending flowers to a company manager as a way to congratulate them on a promotion, make sure to send them from the group or business. If sent by an individual, questions will be raised about trying to influence the recipient. The group gift removes any questions of such intention.
You may also want to send flowers to a specific group within a company. Perhaps you want to say “Thanks” for their help on a big project. In this case, consider sending a mixture of flowers and other gifts such as candy, fruit or chocolate. This becomes a gift that everyone can enjoy, not just the flower lovers.
Another option is to send a plant to the office. This is a good choice if the office is already using plants for decoration and you can tell what the theme of the office is. An additional plant for the office collection is often appreciated. A medium-sized plant that thrives in an office setting will be a gift they will enjoy for years.
When sending flowers to an office, send an arrangement that everyone will enjoy. Flowers that require too much maintenance, are too large and overwhelm the space, or look like a romantic bouquet or funeral arrangement will become a distraction. If unsure, ask us for recommendations for the best office flower arrangement.