Griffin's Floral is proud to be your local florist, serving the greater Newark, Ohio area.
Shop from our best sellers below, or read more on flower delivery to Newark here.
Favorites in Newark, Ohio
Color Rush
Fair Maiden
Lilac Fields
Blushing Diva
Gypsy Rose
Rainfall Droplets
It's Your Day
White Daisy Vase
Summer Meadows
Secret Garden
Enchanting Blue
Mandarin Fields
Paisley It's Your Day
Brighten Your Day Bouquet
Sunflower Bud Vase
Peace Lily Spathiphyllum Plant
Purple Skies
White Heron
Green Pastures
Bright Days Bouquet
Designers Choice For Fall
One Dozen Red Roses
Enchanted Orchid Bud Vase
Mosaic Echos
Charismatic Whites
Orchid Bliss
Blooming Azalea Hortinno
Ruby Take Away
Designers Choice Planter Dish Garden
Gorgeous Green
Birds Of Paradise Bud Vase